Don't Miss HUGE 61% OFF Black Friday Savings — Enroll Now!

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Black Friday Special — Save $641!
The Blueprint TOGETHER + Black Friday Bonuses (61% off!)
Everything you need to make 2024 the year you build a passive stream of freelance clients!
Note! This Product Is Only For Past Blueprint Customers!! 

You're about to purchase a 6-month pass for a live "The Blueprint TOGETHER" cohort as a past customer.

This special offer does not include the core course content, and thus, is only available to past Blueprint customers.

If you're not a past customer, this is the product page to look at:

Contact information

Billing address

6-Month 200% ROI Guarantee Terms & Conditions:

Here are the 3 things you need to do if you want to qualify for the risk-free 6-month guarantee...


Spend The Time

You're about to build the marketing system that $1,000,000/year businesses use. It's gonna take some time.

TO QUALIFY: Do the homework, and track an average of at least 10 hours a week working on The Blueprint during the 6 months (24 weeks) of your cohort. (Be sure to check in & log your progress in your Blueprint Progress Tracker ideally weekly but at least once every 2 weeks!)

(Note: "Working on The Blueprint" is defined as "learning + implementation" — most of your tracked time will be implementing what you've learned. The actual learning is optimized and quick.)


Start Your Authority-Building Podcast

This step often scares students, but we've made it easy, I promise.

TO QUALIFY: Follow the steps we'll teach you to launch a podcast for your business and release at least 14 interview episodes, 5 of which need to be with other consultants / agency owners who serve your same end client (and weren't just from within your Blueprint cohort ) Be sure to be connecting with your guests after the episodes with the "reciprocity overload" technique we teach!


Talk To Humans

As nice as it sounds to get a stream of endless clients coming in without ever talking to anyone, it's not a very efficient way to go. (It's also really expensive.) Relationships are the shortcut and, frankly, the secret to success. (I never fully appreciated this before I went through The Blueprint myself)

TO QUALIFY: Follow our relationship-building steps and leverage our scripts & swipe copy to send personalized outreach messages to at least 30 strangers over the course of your 6-month cohort, and go on at least 3 positioning refinement / validation calls. (We'll show you how to book them and what to say)


12-Month $10,000 ROI Guarantee Terms & Conditions:

Here are the 3 things you need to do if you want to qualify for the risk-free 12-month guarantee...


Qualify for the 6-Month Guarantee

In order to be eligible for the 12-month guarantee, you need to have qualified for the 6-month guarantee for your first 6 months in the program.


Be Consistent

You can't just "Do The Blueprint" for 6 months and then stop entirely. The "clients on autopilot" machine you're going to build needs to be adjusting and maintenance, like any powerful machine.

TO QUALIFY: Stay consistent with weekly episodes on your podcast, with at least 20% of your episodes being interviews with other consultants / agency owners who serve your same end client (and weren't just from within your Blueprint cohort ) Be sure to be connecting with your guests after the episodes with the "reciprocity overload" technique we teach!


Actually Work on Your Business & "Do Your Marketing"

Any marketing strategies you pick from within The Blueprint (or anywhere else) will require your attention. The key note is that, once you have your "clients on autopilot" machine built, you get way more leverage, automation, and repeatability.

TO QUALIFY: Be spending at least 5 hours a week on marketing / strategic relationship building, and 5 hours a week on growing your business.


Full details can be found at
I agree

60% OFF! 12 Months Support Upgrade

ONE TIME OFFER: Check the box to add an EXTRA live 6-month Blueprint cohort experience for just $200! (60% off!)
Get community & support for implementing The Blueprint for ALL of 2024 at a special price you'll never see again! (save $300!)

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!


The Blueprint TOGETHER Extra Cohort Add-On + Blueprint Bonuses (Regular Price: $1,038)$397

Don't Forget That Your Purchase Also Includes...

30-Day 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Lifetime Access to recordings of events in your cohort

6-Month Live Cohort + Support Experience

6-Month 2x ROI Guarantee if you implement (see terms & conditions)

12-Month $10,000 ROI Guarantee if you implement (see terms & conditions)

  • Total payment
  • 1xThe Blueprint TOGETHER Extra Cohort Add-On + Blueprint Bonuses (Regular Price: $1,038)$397

All prices in USD

"Prior to joining The Blueprint, we had never gotten a single quality lead out of our website. 

Since joining, we have gotten real leads who we have never spoken to before!"

Andrew Askins
Developer and Agency Owner

"The system is fantastic to get clients and grow your network in a very organic way without being spammy. 

I know my business is going to change for the better if I do the work and step a little out of my comfort zone"
Sergio Romero

"When I first joined, I had *no idea* how the heck to get clients. Now I know how! It's so empowering to feel in control of my client acquisition."

Brad Osborne
Video Editor & Affiliate Manager
